Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)


PFAC Planning Committee Chair: Camille
PFAC Planning Committee Coordinator: Brittany
Logistics Coordinator: Crystal M.
Media/Advertisement: Heather R. and Tarie

What is PFAC?

The Oregon Legislature established the Patient-Centered Primary Care Home Program in 2009 to set the standard for high-quality, patient-centered primary care. As your Patient-Centered Medical Home, Pearl Street Medical has been at the forefront of health care reform and strives to deliver comprehensive, high-quality care.

The Patient and Family Advisory Council for Pearl Street Medical will help ensure that patients have a voice in their medical care. We will accomplish this by creating a partnership with patients, family members and their health care team to provide excellence in prevention, treatment, and education. The PFAC Council will meet twice a year or more to improve processes and procedures, create programs, and increase patient satisfaction.

Here are some of the many topics our PFAC committee members are working on: patient gaps in care for colonoscopies, mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, social needs and ways to assist patients with assessing community programs or creating onsite classes/programs, as well as increasing patient portal usage.

For more information, please see our PFAC flyer and brochure.

How to participate

We want to hear from you and ask that you join us. This is your opportunity to make a difference! We are seeking patients and family members who are willing to be committed to:

• Meeting with Pearl Street Medical staff, physicians, and leadership
• Working as a team
• Sharing experiences
• Providing honest feedback
• Respecting the perspectives of others
• Meeting with other patients and families
• Working on program development projects
• Educating the leadership and staff
• Working to program development projects

Examples of your OSM PFAC Council suggestions at work:

• Addressing national awareness topics
• Social needs survey

How to sign up

If you are interested in joining PFAC, please fill out the application (PDFDOCX) and either mail it to Pearl Street Medical, Attn: Camille, 1835 Pearl Street, Eugene, OR 97401, or bring it to your next visit. Our PFAC Planning Committee Coordinator will contact you to set up an orientation.